The Mary Renault Society

The Triangle Area of North Carolina

The Mary Renault Society

LGBT People Socializing and Learning Together

Knossos (Crete)

The Mary Renault Society was organized in Chapel Hill in the early 1980’s as a book club, largely to provide a way gay men could meet and socialize without resorting to bars.

Originally devoted to reading and discussion, MRS has evolved over time into a monthly forum for presentations.  Topics have been artistic, legal, religious, poetic, literary, medical, political … whatever relates to the queer experience. Presenters have included authors, attorneys, physicians, ministers, educators, artists, legislators, preservationists, and travelers, each of whom brings a perspective meaningful to our life experiences.

In this setting, MRS provides a welcoming and relaxed environment in which to meet people of like mind without having to hide a person's true nature and feelings.  It also offers newcomers  examples of successful, intelligent people whose interests in life extend beyond sexuality.

MRS meetings center on potluck dinners at members’ homes, usually on the fourth Sunday evening of every month. The gatherings generally begin at 7:00, with dinner beginning at 7:30 and a presentation following the meal. You’ll be welcome; count on it.

To stay abreast of the program and find locations of meetings, please use your login on this website. New members should contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Treasurer will assign a login username and temporary password for new members, after payment of dues. Annual dues are $30 for individuals and couples.


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All Rights Reserved.