2012 NC Gay & Lesbian Film Festival Preview
Our gathering on July 29 (one week later than usual) will begin with a brief anniversary business meeting. Then we will focus on the upcoming, longer 17th Annual Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, to be held at the Carolina Theater in Durham August 10-19.
Our presenter, Mark Ambrose, has volunteered with the Film Festival for over ten years, has co-chaired the committee that coordinates volunteers during the festival, and was a member of the committee that made this year’s film choices. The final schedule will be set shortly before our 29 July meeting, when he plans to show us some trailers and also go over some featured offerings on the festival website.
Meanwhile, this year’s festival has some distinctive features:
- 10 days in length
- over 90 men’s films
- A range of films, from a family-friendly queer youth program to late-night film programs that will provide your fill of camp, horror, and sex
- more international films than ever
- parties and live events