The Mary Renault Society

The Triangle Area of North Carolina

The New Sensibility about Racism in History from the Perspective of Historic Preservation

J. Myrick Howard

Myrick Howard has been the President of Preservation North Carolina since 1978. He has built the nonprofit into one of the most respected of its kind in the nation. He has also been the Marion S. Covington Professor of Practice in Historic Preservation in the UNC Department of City & Regional Planning since 1988. He has a Master’s in Regional Planning and a law degree from UNC. His 2006 book, Buying Time for Heritage, is a classic on the subject of preservation revolving funds.

Myrick has spoken to MRS more than once in the past, but since the last time we heard from him, the movement to remove monuments to Confederate leaders, slaveowners, and champions of white supremacy has grown from an issue on the periphery to a central concern of society. On April 25, 2021, Myrick will talk to us about how practitioners of historic preservation are adapting to this change. (We might even hear from him about this before his students at UNC do.)


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