2014 NC Gay & Lesbian Film Festival Preview
The July 27 gathering of MRS begins with a pool party (arrive around 4:00 to catch some rays of the sun on the pool). At 6:00 or thereabouts some of the less mass-poisoning oriented of us will gear up a grill for dogs ‘n’ burgers, and once we are all stuffed to the point of stupefaction, we’ll retire inside to handle any business that might have come up in the last year and shortly dive into a preview of the upcoming 19th Annual Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, to be held at the Carolina Theater in Durham August 15-24. This will involve a look at the NC G&LFF web site, tell us a little about the Festival’s overall structure and diversity, and then give us a look at trailers for some of the longer feature films of the festival—the male-oriented ones. 360 films have been submitted for evaluation; you’ll have to wait until July for a final posting of the events, schedule, guests, and other activities of the Festival. Learn about them first here.