Second Annual Gay Groups Potluck
Remember last summer’s jaunt out to Moncure, in the mountains of Tennessee (or maybe Arkansas)? Well, Moncure is now much closer to the Triangle; it’s now down rt. 1 only about 26 miles from the center of Raleigh and about the same distance down 501 and state rt. 1012 from the center of Chapel Hill (this puts it within international flying distance from Durham, too).
Well, it will shortly be time to meet up there and enjoy spring in a country setting. Steve Salay has invited all Prime Timers, Triangle Area Gay Scientists, and Mary Renault Society members to bring a dish and a friend to his log house 3-9 p.m. on Saturday, May 9. Last year’s gathering included a bucolic cookout (the term ‘bucolic’ is apparently not derived from a combination of the Boston University acronym with a word which stands for a severe, fluctuating abdominal pain; no Amendment 1 proponents are expected).
If you have questions, Steve will try to deal with them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..